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The Big Story Course


The Big Story Course, a series of 4 sessions exploring the Christian faith. Each session looks at a different movements within God’s story (Creation, Fall, Redemption & Restoration). The Big Story Course runs virtually over zoom and has two components: teaching & group discussion.

Teaching - The teachings are designed to engage and inspire conversation. Generally thirty minutes long, they can be given as a live talk or played as a video. They explore the big issues around faith and unpack the basics of Christianity, addressing questions such as Who is God? What is He up to? and How do I fit in God’s story?

Discussion - Probably the most important part of any course: the chance to share thoughts and ideas on the topic, and simply discuss it with others. There’s no obligation to say anything. And there’s nothing you can’t say. It’s an opportunity to hear from others and contribute your own perspective in an honest, friendly and open environment.

Upon completion, you will be able to:

  • Recount the larger story of God

  • Articulate how your life makes most sense inside God’s redemptive purposes in the world.

  • Identify and deploy your “vocational power” redemptively.


  • Course is 4 Weeks long

    • Week 1 - Oct 12

    • Week 2 - Oct 26

    • Week 3 - Nov 9

    • Week 4 - Nov 30

  • Time: TBD

  • Location: TBA


Before the Course: Overview

After some orientation by Martin, Geoff offers a broad overview of the course and its importance for Christians today.


Martin spends some time in Genesis reflecting on how we were created in the image of God what we are called to do (including things like bringing order out of chaos).


Martin helps us think about the impact of the fall upon the four dimensions of shalom.


In this session Jessica answers the question, "How will God 'put the world to rights?'" We will look at the person and work of Jesus on the cross and how that restores shalom to the world.


In this session, Geoff helps us think about how the Big Story ends. We are encouraged to think about what we hope for, and therefore how we live now. Character formation becomes very important to the kinds of things we hope for and how we live.

  • Session 5 Slides/ Presentation PDF